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Showing posts from October, 2017

Travel nowadays and its challenges.

Travel at some point of time was for purpose . If you had some work at a different place you needed to go there and the concept of travelling just stayed within these boundaries . The idea of travel has widened with the passing time . Travelling now-a-days is more of adventure , fun , learning and establishing certain kind of skills . Travel enables a person to improve their perspective of life . The ones who travel get to know that there's no particular way of living life , the more they travel the more they get familiar to the vast concept of living . Travelling is somehow making us learn something new every single day . We are learning how to survive a situation , lets say you have to order food and you got no way to do that because you don't know the language . Rejuvination is something that travelling gifts to the travellers , the ones doing same sort of things every single day just take out some time from their busy lives to experience a bit adventure , and that adven